Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Day at the Arboretum

Now the helicopters come,
now the abracadabras
of the great abscission,
as the trees spin down
their summer architecture,
provision and shelter
for their germinating young,
fuel for the fires of autumn.

Watching my daughters run
with their recalcitrant kite,
breeze a straggling lamb
behind, I wonder why
I feel so strange lately;
why now, when everything
showed signs of coming
together, I should look
down to find my hands
involved in such confusion,
such an inchoate music
of kite strings and leaves.


Anonymous said...

One must take the time to play among the helicopters.

Unknown said...

Just beautiful, John.

Garth said...

Brilliant invocation of the simultaneous comprehension of autumn and spring.